
Wreaths at Gravenstafel Monument

Wreaths laid at the foot of the New Zealand battle exploit memorial at Gravenstafel on the day of its unveiling, 2 August 1924.

The New Zealand battlefield memorial stands on the northern side of the crossroads at s’Gravenstafel, which leads to the towns of Passendale, Broodseinde, Zonnebeke and Tyne Cot. The memorial recognises the efforts of the New Zealand Division in capturing Gravenstafel Spur during the Battle of Broodseinde.

Obtaining the Gravenstafel site was a lengthy and complicated process. It was identified as early as 1919 as a desirable location that offered extensive views over the plains where New Zealanders had fought. Yet difficult negotiations with the section’s five owners were compounded by the local bureaucracy and the acquisition was eventually completed in November 1923.

Unveiling at Gravenstafel, Pathe Newsreel.mp4

The Pathé newsreel of the unveiling ceremony on 2 August 1924.

In Honour of the Men of the New Zealand Division. The Battle of Broodseinde, 4th of October, 1917. This Monument Marks the site of Gravenstafel Which, on 4th October, 1917, was Captured by the New Zealand Division as part of a General Advance towards Passchendaele. 

From the Uttermost Ends of the Earth.